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luni, 14 februarie 2011

The taste for beauty is increasingly exacerbated.

Civilization today is to prioritize technology to make life easier, sparing us from work and fatigue that we steal the time, but a complicated and, by creating new needs that require work to fulfill them. Hence a full alert as the financial plan needs tempt us with novelty, utility and their ingenuity.

By means perfection and speed of information - the spectacular commercials, press, cinema, television, tourism - we are opening new horizons for technical, art and beauty, elegance înnobilându us and aesthetic taste for form and presentation.

Fashion comes and let it compile a current that brings influences retro with contemporary ideas and creations. When passed Lindhberg ocean for the first time in the world in general entuzismul spectacular were some of the original dresses and hats a la Lindhberg "creating a true" lindhbergomanie.

Fashion valiance gives us a boost and new clothes coloring shapes and bold colors, creeping into art and music, attitudes and behavior, hair and makeup, but eventually all general rules, basic, remain valid.

She is warm and lively as a spring wind, which brings stained cheeks and fresh fragrance of buds and open flowers in November, but there is much fallen leaves and smell the earth and leavened moist.

How the secret of life on earth is adaptability, receptivity to new entry into modern times, the pace of life that goes on, we should not prevent the habits of tyranny, possessive, but be ready to receive the research, to process what what is good to remove what is not used and does not fit with us, our opportunities with our formula of life.

Today, when we women know how to do almost everything and do it with joy and ingenuity, even if sometimes we knock evening fatigue, our personality-fulfilling and gets me in the same time demanding. We are women and we like to stick to women.

We enjoy a new dress, a modern shoe, of a quality red lips, a subtle fragrance. We like to know that we can be beautiful and admired. We want to be chic and elegant, and because we deserve because we have not masculine, although the work we are "bravely"!